Dr Fiona Calvert is a warm and collaborative Clinical Psychologist, with over a decade of experience in psychology. She works closely with each client and family to deeply understand their needs, and is dedicated to providing high quality psychological services. Fiona completed a 4-year Bachelor degree in Psychology with Honours and a 2-year Master of Clinical Psychology with distinction at the University of Wollongong. She also holds a PhD in psychology and her thesis was focused on improving the training and supervision of early-career psychologists. Fiona was awarded the Freestone Clinical Psychology Award in Recognition of Being an Outstanding Clinical Practitioner during her doctoral training.

Psychological Therapy
Fiona has practised psychology in both inpatient and outpatient settings and her clinical experience includes co-developing and delivering groups for depression, anxiety, psychosis, and personality disorders. She is trained to provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E). Fiona has a special interest in therapy for people with longstanding psychological difficulties, including chronic anxiety and depression, emotional regulation problems, relationship difficulties, and personality disorders. She has completed advanced training in Schema Therapy, a commonly used treatment for such issues. At this time, Dr Calvert's books are closed for Psychological Therapy referrals.

Diagnostic Assessments
Fiona provides neurodevelopmental assessments (Autism, ADHD and related presentations) for children, adolescents, and adults. Each assessment is tailored to the unique needs of each individual and family, and Fiona values neuro- and gender-affirming approaches to assessment. In assessing autism, Fiona often utilises the ‘gold standard’ Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) and Autism Diagnostic Interview- Revised (ADI-R). Her ADHD assessments are evidence-based, in alignment with the AADPA National Guidelines. At the same time, Fiona recognises that neurodevelopmental diagnoses like autism and ADHD present in unique ways for different people. She is particularly mindful of internalising presentations and the role of masking, where symptoms may be more nuanced. Fiona’s comprehensive assessments typically include other psychometric tools including cognitive testing, adaptive functioning measures, and mental health screeners to create a thorough clinical picture with relevant recommendations. Please click here to read more about Autism assessments, and click here to read more about ADHD assessments at the practice. At this time, Dr Calvert's books are open for Diagnostic Assessment referrals.

Teaching and Supervision
In addition to her clinical work, Fiona is passionate about teaching and academia. She currently lectures in the Master of Clinical Psychology program at the Australian Catholic University. Fiona is an AHPRA Board-Approved Supervisor and routinely provides clinical supervision for a diverse range of mental health professionals. Please click here to read more about her clinical supervision services. Fiona is also Board-Approved Supervisor Trainer, offering both initial BAS and Masterclass workshops through C-Best. Please click here to read more about Supervisor Training.

Memberships & Registrations:

  • Registration to provide psychology services with Medicare
  • Full registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (PSY0001704199)
  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society
  • Member of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association